Beta release of new ACTRIS data portal September 2024

ACTRIS Data Centre

The mission of the ACTRIS Data Centre is to compile, archive and provide access to well documented and traceable ACTRIS measurement data and data products, including digital tools for data quality control, analysis, visualisation, and research.

As a tool for science, the highest priorities for the ACTRIS DC are to maintain and increase the availability of ACTRIS data and data products relevant to climate and air quality research for all interested users.

What the ACTRIS Data Centre offers

The ACTRIS Data Centre provides scientists and other user groups with free and open access to all ACTRIS data, including access to mature data products produced within ACTRIS, and complementary observational data from other associated frameworks (as GAW, EMEP, EARLINET, CLOUDNET , NDACC) and relevant research projects.

Variables & measurement techniques

More than 135 different atmospheric variables are measured within ACTRIS. The measurements are done with 25 different methodologies with time resolution ranging from seconds to 1 week. The ACTRIS data management plan includes a list with all ACTRIS atmospheric variables and describes the data, data products, and how data are made available.

ACTRIS measurements comply with well-described measurement guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs), and access to more information on methodologies and measurement guidelines is available from ACTRIS Central Facilities | ACTRIS website.

Comparable data from different observational platforms and sites are crucial for the detection of trends or slight variations in chemical composition of the atmosphere. In many cases, decades of time series are required to assess these changes with a certain degree of confidence. Many of ACTRIS' SOPs are implemented in other frameworks, on both European (EMEP, EARLINET) and international (GAW) scale.

Our Data Centre team - collaboration and expertise

The ACTRIS Data Centre (DC) is a vibrant collaboration among eight research performing organisations (RPOs) located in Norway, France, Italy, Finland, and Spain. The team and work are structured into six specialized units: DVAS, In-Situ, ARES, CLU, GRES, and ASC. Each unit brings its in-depth scientific and specific technical expertise to the work, creating a large team with complementary knowledge and skills. In 2024, more than 30 persons were involved with various roles and responsibilities.

Team Picture 1
Team Picture 2

Team Picture 3

Collaborative efforts and complementary expertise

At the heart of ACTRIS DC is the seamless collaboration among its people from the RPOs. The In-Situ, ARES, CLU, GRES, and ASC units contribute with their unique topic expertise, while the DVAS unit integrates all activities, ensuring access to data products and efficient operation. This synergy is further enhanced by clear links and procedures for interaction between the Data Centre Units, ACTRIS National Facilities (NFs), and ACTRIS Topical Centres (TCs).

Community and team efforts

The ACTRIS DC is a joint effort between the involved RPOs, with a dedicated team working well structured and focused to achieve the common goals. The ACTRIS Data Management Board meets monthly or more frequent and consists of six members, ensuring that the DC operates in a coordinated and coherent manner. Additionally, the ACTRIS Data Expert Team, is a transversal technical group with 20 members, representing all the DC topic units, fostering collaboration and interactions to share competence across the DC. This group consists of both expert system developers and scientists from various fields.

Key Team Members

ACTRIS DC Board Members:

Cathrine Lund Myhre

Cathrine Lund Myhre
NILU, leading the ACTRIS Data Centre

Patrice Henry

Patrice Henry
CNRS, deputy for Cathrine Lund Myhre

Markus Fiebig

Markus Fiebig
NILU, leading the In-Situ unit

Lucia Mona

Lucia Mona
CNR, leading the ARES unit

O'Connor Ewan

O'Connor Ewan
FMI, leading the CLU unit

Bénédicte Picquet-Varrault

Bénédicte Picquet-Varrault
CNRS, leading the ASC unit

ACTRIS Data Expert Team

Claudio Dema, CNR

Pilar Gumà-Claramunt, CNR

Simo Tukiainen, FMI

Niko Leskinen, FMI

Richard Rud, NILU

Robert Logna, NILU

Paul Eckhardt, NILU

Lise Eder Murberg, NILU

Jan Øyvind Låte, NILU

Yong Lin, NILU

Shridhar Jawak, NILU

Nicolas Pascal, University of Lille

Guillaume Brissebrat, CNRS

Cathy Boonne, CNRS

Cédric Tétard, University of Lille

Carlos Pérez García-Pando, BSC

Dene Bowdalo, BSC

Elliott Rose, BSC

Francesco Benincasa, BSC

Oriol Jorba, BSC

(*not all contributors listed)